
current obsession.

I know I’m gonna survive the December cold
With somebody to retrieve my long lost soul


dashing through the snow

also icelandic techno, because why not//.



winter day at the beach

two great explorers
we found water, but ran from it
PLASTIC CUPS!!! are for perelaere
why is my cup still empty, Giles?
man eating apple, oil on canvas 1895. by eva hoogstins.

extra couple-y


my place is beginning to look more inhabited.

Jessa J.

A few weeks ago I discovered HBO's Girls; meaning i finally got around to watching the pilot. It wasn't only Lena Dunham's  humour that got me hooked, one glance on Jessa Johansson (Jemima Kirke) made me want to become her. So obviously I had to watch the entire season within two days. I'm not gonna go into how much I love her style, but rather how unbelievably cool and free-spirited she is.It is as if she hasn't got a worry in the world, and she basically gets everything she wants. Her lifestyle is pretty unrealistic and not exactly healthy, but that's beside the point. Jessa is badass. She doesn't feel the need to commit to anything or anyone. She is impulsive, doesn't overanalyze and let's people know exactly how she feels.

Resolution for 2013: Become more like Jessa.

Codex/Sugar and Spice

Willow Smith samples Radiohead's Codex in her new track, and I must say it sounds pretty decent.


born ruffians

And I'm frustrated with myself
But I can't change
I don't want to be me anymore
And all of the tics & tocs & clicks of clocks
That tell the time tell me this is just a phase


So apparently the BBC announced Haim to be the sound of 2013, and I must say I feel somewhat excluded never having heard about them before. Don't Save Me is quite catchy, now we wait and see what they have in store for us with their debut album.

(i must admit, they do look pretty badass)


currently reading - murakami's imagination is insane


Happy New Year!