
Whip It!

One of those kind of cliche-ish coming of age indeed. This is embarassing but I will quote wikipedia:
"It's quirky enough to appeal to the cool kids, but never strays too far from the mainstream."
I think I will be using this phrase often from now on.
So why this film?
1.  Drew Barrymore directed it.
(see Best Coast video for Our Deal for a quick taste)


2. Ellen Page.(who else)

3. Roller Derby and everything it entails.
This is the most awesome sport ever. 
I wish I could join a team. (even if only for the outfits/nicknames).
I mean, Hurl Scouts!
 These are the toughest scouts in town:
Smashley Simpson, Babe Ruthless, Maggie Mayhem 
and Bloody Holly

4. Landon Pigg andTurbo Fruits
Mr. Charmer-boy belongs to an awesome indie-rock band

5. The soundtrack includes:
Ramones, Little Joy, The Ettes, Tilly and the Wall
The Raveonettes,

6. The love-story part 
does stray a little from the mainstream, 
so a cheer for that!
7. There's an underwater scene

8. Food Fight!